Let’s focus on thekey featuresthat DirEttore can provide. This brief glossary should help you to understand how the automation process has been implemented.
THREE PLAYERSYou can mix songs with up to three virtual players at the same time, and a fourth is also available to fire the next song (ready and on cue).
CUE STARTEvery NEXT song is set on cue at its start point, while the previous song is being played in order to avoid delayed starts. In this way songs will always start immediately.
CUE POINTSYou can set START, INTRO and MIX points for each song, as well as four kinds of fade-type (fast, normal slow and CUT). DO NOT FADE can also be set together with the starting mode by means of the cue points editor.
ROTATIONA sequence ofRotation Elements(with Jingles, Time Announcements and Sweepers) that are randomly selected at the beginning of each new cycle.
ROTATION ELEMENTA chosen directory containing song files classified according to previously selected genres, tempo, age or whatever is desired.
PLAYLISTA playlist is basically a predefined and set sequence of songs, jingles, commercials,Time AnnouncementsandSweepersthat can repeat itself.
SEQUENCEA singlerotation elementinserted a specified number of times that can have an INTRO, an OUTRO and anin between rotation elementsjingle definition (SEPARATOR). This is useful for building commercial / trailer, sequences and so on.
TIME ANNOUNCEMENTA "real time" time announcer with the voice of your speaker. Following a few simple rules you can build your own time announcement to be mixed seamlessly with your music program.
SWEEPERA vocal or musical jingle automatically timed to end at the exact INTRO point of the next song, usually set at the beginning of the lyrics.
VOICE-TRACKAs the sweeper is a vocal or musical jingle automatically timed to end at the exact INTRO point of the next song but starting from the currently playing song.